Control your emotions through hypnosis

Feelings, feelings, feelings! Does your whole life seem to run the way you feel? Sometimes you feel good, other times you feel terrible, and most of the time you feel okay. When you feel comfortable “on top of the world,” don’t you feel like you can achieve anything? When you’re feeling down, depressed, or negative, don’t you feel like nothing is worth the effort, and even if it was, you might fail anyway? Like I said most of the time you will find yourself somewhere in the middle, just going through life day in and day out. But, what do you think you could achieve if you could control your emotional state and trigger any emotion you wanted?

In order to develop this skill, you must first understand what feelings are. Emotions are not monsters or masters of your state. They are just feelings that you create from your own perceptions. You trigger emotions based on internal and external circumstances which are usually based on your past experiences!

When you feel a feeling, it is just an emotion, which was triggered by your thoughts, and those thoughts, in turn, were triggered by your memories. These memories can be pleasant or painful depending on how you handled the situation when it first occurred. When you experience a similar situation or event in the present, your brain plays back these memories on a conscious, or usually unconscious, level and brings back the emotions associated with them.

We call our emotions and feelings many different names such as joy, pleasure, happiness, fear, pain, frustration, and anger, but in fact there are only two feelings. One feels good, the other feels bad!

I’m sure you know the effects of feeling good and bad. You know that when you do a task and feel good about it, you are more likely to succeed than if you feel bad about it. In fact, if your feelings are really bad, you probably shouldn’t even try to do this at all! Fear takes over!

What if I felt good in situations where I felt bad before? What do you think this means for you?

Your emotional responses lie in your subconscious mind. It controls them and is responsible for nourishing feelings for you on a conscious level. This is why it can be very difficult or almost impossible for you to consciously create feelings. You can’t just tell yourself to be happy and suddenly be filled with joy. In fact, the opposite usually happens because your subconscious mind reinforces the initial feelings and thoughts with more of the same!

So how do you fight this?

Well, since your emotional responses reside in your subconscious mind, it stands to reason that if you want to change them, you need to access and reprogram your subconscious mind – just like a computer!

So how do you do this?

Well, luckily, there is a way and it’s a lot easier than you think. It is of course called HYPNOSIS. Through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis you can easily and quickly access the subconscious mind.

“Well, that all sounds great,” you might say, “but what do I do next, Sherlock?”

Well, a skilled hypnotist, whether in person or on a recording, can quickly “embed” new feelings into old memories. He can take a memory that has some bad emotional responses associated with it and neutralize those feelings. Then it will reconnect your old memories with new positive feelings.

This includes using some very advanced forms of NLP (which can also be used very effectively without hypnosis). The positive effects of these technologies leave you free of old memories that are holding you back from moving forward in your life and also reprogram your mind to feel optimistic and hopeful when faced with similar situations in the present and the future.

This is also how phobias are dealt with and explaining this process should give you an idea of ​​the power and benefits of using it for other emotional issues. Let’s say you have a real fear of spiders. Everyone now knows that fear of spiders is irrational in most cases and has no basis in fact. A house spider can not harm you at all! So you get a hypnosis recording to deal with arachnophobia. So what happens?

First, the hypnotist will relax your mind and body and then make you contemplate a happy scene full of lovely, beautiful creatures that you love. Say for example that you love cute little kittens. It will immerse you in the picture and guide you to the beauty of the animal and evoke gentle and loving feelings. Then he will ask you to think of a spider. He might make you put her skates on and watch her try to walk, or make you imagine a funny face or cute demeanor. This way it will neutralize the negative feelings you currently have about the spider. Then he associates the previous image of cats, and thus the positive feelings associated with them, with the image of the funny spider. You will also be guided to see the beauty and usefulness of this little creature in nature. Thus, sometimes in one session, you can completely reverse a phobia!

Likewise, the emotional response to any situation, circumstance, person, or event can be reversed to whatever positive emotional response you desire. This is the power of hypnosis and the creativity of your mind. You will just learn how to react in a different, more positive way and through modern mental techniques you can learn to do it in any way you want.

So, there really is no excuse for suffering at the hands of your negative emotions anymore. You can reprogram your mind to feel the way you want. Check it out, you might just like it!

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