How to deal with negative feelings when someone else does you wrong

How does a believer truly deal with negative feelings and emotions when

They start to show up as a result of being wronged by others – in particular

If wrong is ugly and evil?

The Bible tells us that God requires all of his people to live on a

level higher than the uninsured. The Bible tells us to forgive these

who offended us, to turn the other cheek when necessary, to love

Our enemies and do good to those who intentionally hurt us. God is like that

Insisting on being able to forgive those who hurt us – that’s what he says

us that he will not even hear our prayers if we catch them

Not tolerating others who have wronged us

However, we all know, from real life experiences, that this is easier

He said who did. How do you really deal with negative emotions like

Anger, bitterness, vindictiveness, and sometimes outspokenness

Do you hate another person who cruelly abused you?

How do you deal with and control these types of negative feelings when:

  • A drunk driver killed your wife, son or daughter.
  • Someone has raped or sexually assaulted you.
  • Someone kidnapped and killed your son or daughter like some of the cases we see in the news.
  • Your spouse has been physically and/or verbally abusive to you for years.
  • You just found out your wife has been cheating on you.

All of the above scenarios are torpedo shots that can get us going

the earth. However, how do we deal with these adversities and how do we bounce back

Returning from them will determine the quality of time we still have

left here on this earth.

If you don’t control these negative feelings when you start

Try to settle your inner result by taking one of these

Some kind of evil strikes – then those negative feelings and emotions will do

It begins to eat you alive from the inside – just like a cancer

It can destroy and tear the human body.

Some Christians will begin to lose faith in God. They go crazy

With God – wondering why God would allow something bad to happen to them


If you would like to gain some good insight from exactly God’s point of view

How can a christian deal with this kind of vicious stills and move on with life

This life the way God wants you to live it – go to the link below

in the resource box.

This article will give you a good answer from God

perspective and all the appropriate biblical verses to support this

insight. The Bible says the truth will set you free – but you

ought to Know what that truth is and be willing to work with that truth

before it really sets you free. The Bible says we are

Changed by renewing our minds. For many Christians, they are

brains binding With the “wrong thinking” – they are so

He was shut down from being able to live this life to its fullest potential

in God.

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